The Bill Parnaby Team - Caledon Realtors

Spring Has Sprung! DIY Home and Garden Projects.

If you’re creative, hard-working and have some time to spare, you can save money this spring by tackling some projects yourself. Here are our tips on getting your home ready for the warmer weather:


Over the winter, the gutters on your home accumulated ice, dirt, leaves and other debris that can prevent the free flow of water. Dirty gutters can also cause mold to develop. Fortunately, this problem is easy to solve with a ladder and a thick pair of gloves.

After ensuring your ladder is steady, climb to the gutters and pick out everything that has collected in them. It may be easier to throw everything on the ground now rather than carrying a trash bag up the ladder. You can always rake up the mess and transfer it into a trash bag once you have finished cleaning the gutter.

You should also make sure that the downspout is clean so nothing prevents the water from flowing downwards and onto the ground. Additionally, check that the downspout is at least two feet away from foundation walls. This prevents water from staining the walls or causing mold to develop.

Your Lawn

Since the first snow often comes without warning, you may not have had the chance to rake all of the leaves on your lawn last fall. It’s important to do this early in spring so the excess leaves don’t suffocate the grass and prevent it from growing. This is also the ideal time to pull up weeds and get rid of foliage left by shrubs and plants. Be sure to replace dead flowers with new ones for a beautiful lawn. Some low-maintenance choices include mums, begonias, and pansies.

The Roof

The roof of your home is easy to take for granted, especially when it’s doing its job. Because heavy snow has sat on top of it for months, be sure to inspect it for damage once spring finally arrives. If a few of the shingles have cracked, buckled, or curled, it’s easy enough to replace them yourself. However, you should consider contacting a professional if several of the shingles are in this condition. A small investment in replacing the shingles now can save you thousands of dollars in repairs later.

Your Home’s Paint

Since chipped and cracked paint on your home’s exterior leaves it vulnerable to rotting, be sure to check the paint’s condition this spring. To prevent rotting and improve the appearance of your home’s exterior, scrape away any loose paint and sand it down until there are no rough edges. If your siding is dirty, consider renting a power washer to clean it before dealing with the chipped or cracked paint.

Keep Pests Away

It only takes a small crack in the exterior of your home for pests to enter and make you and your family miserable. Once the snow and ice are gone, walk around the outside of your home to look for cracks and holes. If you spot any, seal them immediately. You can also discourage pests from choosing your home as a hangout by getting rid of trash and keeping the exterior as clean as possible.

Can’t tackle some of these spring home repairs and projects on your own? Download the Bill Parnaby Team App for a comprehensive list of reputable trades and services available right at your fingertips.

Picture of Bill Parnaby

Bill Parnaby

I have been helping people buy and sell homes in Caledon and the surrounding area for over 30 years! I have been ranked in the Top 1% of Canada of all Royal LePage agents and #6 in Ontario. I specialize in selling Town and Estate properties throughout Caledon and its many villages, and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have been awarded the Lifetime Award of Excellence for his efforts. My knowledge, honesty and common sense approach work successfully, hand in hand with the Team’s core values and beliefs. This combination of traits and values is appreciated and respected by my clients, colleagues, and our community.


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