The Bill Parnaby Team - Caledon Realtors

Getting Ready to Move? Don’t Miss These Must-Know Steps

Getting Ready to Move? Don't Miss These Must-Know Steps

Finding your dream Caledon home is a beautiful lifetime achievement. The next big step is moving in.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your upcoming move? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

In this article, we will share with you the must-know steps to take before your move to ensure a seamless transition.

Follow these steps to make your move as stress-free as possible and start your new chapter on the right foot.

6 Weeks Before Moving: Plan and Budget

When you have approximately six weeks before your moving day, it’s time to start planning and budgeting.

This crucial phase sets the foundation for a smooth and organized relocation.

Remember, start now and don’t wait. This might seem like a simple tip, but you’ll be surprised at how long people can procrastinate when they have a big move ahead of them.

Begin by creating a detailed timeline that outlines tasks and deadlines leading up to the move. This will help you stay on track and ensure nothing gets overlooked.

Simultaneously, establish a realistic budget for your move.

Consider factors such as:

  • Hiring professional movers
  • Renting equipment
  • Purchasing packing supplies
  • And any additional services you might need.

Research different options to find the most cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.

Dedicating time to plan and budget will lay a solid foundation for a successful transition to your new place.

5 Weeks Before Moving: Make a Checklist and Get Rid of Unwanted Items

You now have a clearer idea of your plans and budget. Now, it’s time to streamline your preparations.

Five weeks before the big day, create a comprehensive checklist to keep track of all the tasks and ensure a smooth transition.

Start by listing essential action items such as:

  • Notifying utility companies
  • Updating your address with relevant institutions
  • And scheduling the transfer of services to your new home.

Pro-tip: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. To help you solidify your checklist, tackle the decluttering process.

Sort through your belongings room by room and separate them into four piles:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Donate
  • Or discard.

Ask yourself if you’ve used each item in the last few years. If the answer is no, consider purging or donating it to a local non-profit organization.

Getting rid of unnecessary items not only reduces the volume of transport but also lightens your mental load. Thereby giving you a fresh start in your new space.

Consider hosting a garage sale or utilizing online platforms to sell items that are in good condition but no longer serve you.

Additionally, donating to local charities or giving away items to friends and family can be a meaningful way to declutter and help those in need.

By making a checklist and decluttering, you’ll stay organized and minimize the stress of packing and unpacking.

4 Weeks Before Moving: Get Packing Supplies and Pack Non-essential Items

Getting Ready to Move? Don't Miss These Must-Know Steps

With only four weeks left until moving day, it’s time to gather packing supplies and start packing non-essential items.

Set up a designated packing area in the least used room of your house, where you can easily organize and prepare for the move.

Begin by acquiring all necessary packing materials, such as:

  • Wrapping paper
  • Bubble wrap or plastic wrap
  • Markers
  • Tape
  • And boxes.

Consider renting moving boxes or checking for lightly used boxes at nearby stores. These supplies will make the packing process more efficient and organized.

Then, start packing non-essential items. These can include:

  • Seasonal clothing
  • Fine china
  • Electronics
  • And other belongings that you won’t need immediate access to.

Always remember to label your boxes with permanent and waterproof markers.

Consider colour-coding the labels for each room in your new home and write any special handling instructions on the boxes.

To make the packing process more efficient, dedicate some time each day to tackle a new area.

Start with the areas that receive less foot traffic, such as the basement or guest bedroom. Then, gradually work your way towards the more frequently used spaces.

By spreading out the packing tasks, you’ll avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure a smoother transition to your new home.

3 Weeks Before Moving: Organize Furniture and Large Items

As you approach the three-week mark before moving day, it’s time to focus on organizing your furniture and large items.

Start by taking measurements of your new home’s rooms and doorways.

This will help you determine if any furniture needs to be disassembled or if certain items won’t fit through the entrances.

Make a plan for disassembling and reassembling furniture, ensuring you have the necessary tools and equipment on hand.

Next, protect your furniture during the move. Gather packing materials such as:

  • Blankets
  • Furniture covers
  • And stretch wrap to prevent any damage or scratches during transportation.

Wrap delicate or fragile furniture pieces with extra care. Consider using padding or cushions for added protection.

To make things easier on moving day, label your furniture and large item boxes clearly. Indicate which room they belong to in your new home to help the movers or yourself better organize the unloading process.

Properly securing and organizing your furniture and large items will save you time and potential headaches on moving day.

By taking these steps in advance, you’ll ensure that everything arrives at your new home safely and can be set up efficiently.

2 Weeks Before Moving: Address Change, Utilities Transfer, and Notify Important Parties

With just two weeks left until moving day, start taking care of critical administrative tasks.

These three tasks should be your top priorities during this phase:

  • Address change
  • Utility transfer
  • And notifying relevant parties.

Inform Address Change to Institutions and Utility Services

Getting Ready to Move? Don't Miss These Must-Know Steps

Start by updating your address with the necessary institutions and organizations. This includes:

1. Post Office

Submit a change of address request to redirect your mail to your new address. This can usually be done online or at your local post office.

2. Government Agencies

Update your change of address with the appropriate government agencies, such as the:

  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Driver’s License
  • And Service Canada

3. Banks and Financial Institutions

Notify your financial institutions, including your credit card companies and insurance providers. You’ll need to inform them about your upcoming move.

Update your address and contact information to ensure seamless communication and continued service.

4. Utilities and Services

Arrange for the transfer or cancellation of utilities and services at your current address and set up new accounts for your new home.

This includes electricity, gas, water, internet, cable or satellite TV, phone, and any other essential utilities.

Notify Important Parties You’re Moving Out

Additionally, inform important parties about your change of address, such as:

1. Family and Friends

Share your new address with close friends and family members to stay connected.

2. Healthcare Providers

Notify your doctors, dentists, and any other healthcare professionals about your change of address.

If necessary, arrange for medical records to be transferred to your new healthcare providers.

3. Subscription Services

Update your address with subscription services you receive, such as magazines and newspapers.

By addressing these administrative tasks, you’ll ensure a smoother transition. You’ll also minimize the risk of any disruptions in communication or essential services.

1 Week Before Moving: Finalize Moving Details and Start Packing Essentials

With just one week remaining until your moving day, finalize the remaining moving details. Also, make sure to complete your packing of non-essential items.

This phase will help bring everything together and ensure a smooth and successful move.

Finalize Moving Details

1. Confirm with Professional Movers

If you’ve hired professional movers, contact them to confirm the details of the move. Double-check the date, time, and any specific requirements or instructions.

Make sure you have their contact information readily available.

2. Coordinate with Friends or Family

If you rely on friends or family to help with the move, contact them and confirm their availability. Ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the moving day timeline and tasks.

3. Prepare for Your Pets and Children

If you have pets or young children, make appropriate arrangements for their care on moving day. Whether booking a pet sitter or arranging for childcare, ensure their comfort and safety during the transition.

Finish Packing Non-essentials and Start Packing Essentials

1. Pack Remaining Non-essential Items

Complete packing non-essential items you won’t need in the days leading up to the move.

Non-essential items include:

  • Additional clothing
  • Decorations
  • Books
  • And non-essential kitchenware.

Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to in your new home.

2. Pack an Essentials Box

Prepare an essentials box containing essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home.

This box can include:

  • Toiletries
  • Medication
  • Change of clothes
  • Kitchen essentials
  • And important documents.

Keep this box easily accessible for quick access during the move and upon arrival.

3. Dispose of Hazardous Materials.

Safely dispose of any hazardous materials you shouldn’t transport, such as:

  • Flammable liquids
  • Corrosive substances
  • Or any items that movers prohibit.

You’ll be well-prepared for the upcoming move after completing this step. This will help reduce stress and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

On the Day of the Move: Arrange Transportation and Settle Outstanding Tasks

Today is the big day! It’s time to arrange transportation for your belongings. Also, don’t forget to settle any outstanding tasks before leaving your current home.

Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and organized moving day:

1. Confirm Transportation

If you’re using a moving company, confirm the arrival time and any last-minute details with them. Ensure they have the correct address for your current and new homes.

If you’re renting a moving truck or using a self-moving service, pick up the vehicle or ensure it will be delivered on time.

2. Keep Track of Your Essentials Box

Make sure your essentials box, which contains items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home, is easily accessible. Keep it separate from other packed boxes to avoid confusion.

3. Conduct a Final Walkthrough

Before leaving your current home, take a final walkthrough to ensure that you haven’t left anything behind. Check all closets, drawers, cabinets, and storage areas to ensure they’re empty.

4. Settle Outstanding Tasks

Take care of any last-minute tasks, such as:

  • Disconnecting appliances
  • Shutting off utilities (if required)
  • And returning any rented equipment.

Double-check that all windows and doors are locked.

5. Say Goodbye and Leave Contact Information

Say your goodbyes to friends in the area and leave your new contact information with them. This way, you can stay connected even after the move.

6. Communicate with Movers or Helpers

If you’ve hired movers or enlisted the help of friends or family, communicate the plan and expectations for the day.

Provide directions to your new home and ensure everyone is on the same page to minimize confusion.

Ready to Get Moving? 

Remember to stay organized! Keep important documents and valuables with you, and maintain open communication with your moving team.

By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to settling into your new home smoothly.

Need help finding a new home to move into? The Bill Parnaby Team will hold your hand from start to finish. Contact us, and we’ll find your dream home!

Picture of Bill Parnaby

Bill Parnaby

I have been helping people buy and sell homes in Caledon and the surrounding area for over 30 years! I have been ranked in the Top 1% of Canada of all Royal LePage agents and #6 in Ontario. I specialize in selling Town and Estate properties throughout Caledon and its many villages, and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have been awarded the Lifetime Award of Excellence for his efforts. My knowledge, honesty and common sense approach work successfully, hand in hand with the Team’s core values and beliefs. This combination of traits and values is appreciated and respected by my clients, colleagues, and our community.


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